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Tips to Avoid Plaque Build Up From the Preventive Dentist Waverly Families Rely On

November 11, 2015

Filed under: Blog,General dentistry — Tags: , , , — tntadmin @ 12:47 pm

Woman using mouth rinse to reduce plaque thanks to the dentist Waverly residents loveAvoiding plaque and tartar buildup is the main goal of at-home hygiene and regular dental appointments. Plaque is the cause of almost every oral health concern including tooth decay and gum disease. If you’ve had trouble keeping your smile plaque free, visit the dentist Waverly, NE families rely on for tips, tricks, and teeth cleanings to keep you smiling.

Getting Back to Dental Health Basics

It will likely come as no surprise to hear that thorough at-home hygiene and regular dental checkups are the best way to avoid plaque buildup, but they truly are. The four best things you can do to prevent plaque from hardening into tartar are:

  1. Brush two times a day every day for at least two minutes at a time. Make sure you’re using a soft-bristled toothbrush, and fluoride toothpaste. For best results, look for a toothbrush and toothpaste with the American Dental Association seal.
  2. Flossing is, arguably, the least favorite oral hygiene activity. It’s the thing patients skip for months, and decide to take up again a few days before their visit. By then, it’s likely too late to stop plaque from hardening into tartar between the teeth. Flossing at least once each day is essential to keeping teeth clean, healthy, and plaque free.
  3. Use an anti-microbial mouth rinse to reduce the number of plaque-causing bacteria in your mouth. It’s important to note that there’s a difference between a mouth wash and a mouth rinse. Mouth wash is for freshening breath, but a mouth rinse actually fights bacteria. Add 30 seconds of swishing with mouth rinse to your twice a day hygiene routine, or add a mouth rinse between meals.
  4. Visit the dentist every six months. It only takes 12 days for plaque to harden into tartar, so visiting every six months is essential. Even the most thorough brushing and flossing routines may have gaps, and that’s where bacteria take hold. Visiting your Waverly dentist’s office twice a year allows us to remove any stuck on plaque and tartar, and make recommendations for improving at-home hygiene.

Surprising Plaque Fighters

If you’re already doing all four of these things, you may still notice a lot of plaque between dental visits. Unfortunately, some people just have more plaque causing bacteria in their mouths, but there are some other interesting tricks of the dental trade for decreasing plaque buildup that might just surprise you:

  • Eat less carbohydrates and sugars. The typical adult diet in the US includes an alarming amount of sugars and carbs, and in moderation, these things are part of a healthy diet. However, plaque is caused when sugars are absorbed and digested by bacteria. The bacteria excrete a highly acidic byproduct when sugar is digested. The byproduct is plaque.
  • Drink a glass of red wine. While wine may stain teeth, it’s actually a great plaque fighter. The same is true of green tea and cranberry juice.
  • Eat more olive oil for a non-stick tooth coating. Plaque is sticky, and that’s why it’s difficult to remove from teeth. Olive oil coats teeth making it more difficult for plaque to stay stuck.

Find Out More

Still want to know more about how to fight plaque? Don’t hesitate to contact the friendly team at Amberly Dental. We’re happy to help you learn more about maintaining optimal oral health, provide general or advanced dental services, and answer any questions you may have.

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